Immunology: MCQs on Cytokines, Interferons & Interleukins

Multiple Choice Question on Cytokines, Interferon & Interleukins

1) Cytokines regulate the intensity and duration of the immune response by activating or downregulating both innate and adaptive immune responses. 
The mode of action of the cytokine is the following, Except?
a) Autocrine
b) Paracrine
c) Endocrine
d) Cell-autonomous

2) The characteristic properties of cytokines are:
a) pleiotropy and redundancy
b) synergy and antagonism
c) cascade induction and amplification
d) All of the above

3) Which of the following class of cytokine receptors utilize G-protein coupled receptors for its downstream function?
a) Chemokines receptor
b) Hematopoietic receptor
c) Interferon receptor
d) None of the above

4) Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is an endogenous pyrogen that induces fever. 
Which of the following statement is true regarding TNF, Except?
a) TNF induces IL-1 production for induction of fever
b) TNF induces the synthesis of prostaglandins
c) TNF induces the production of acute-phase proteins
d) TNF level is lower in septic shock

5) Interleukin-1 is an inflammatory cytokine that has the following function, Except?
a) Inflammation
b) Leukocyte adhesion
c) Production of acute phase reactant protein
d) All of the above

6) Chemokines are the structurally homologous cytokines family that regulate lymphocyte migration. Which of the following is an incorrect statement regarding the cytokines?
a) Chemokines consist of characteristic N-terminal cysteine residues
b) Chemokines are produced by endothelial cells, epithelial cells, and fibroblasts
c) Chemokines are suppressed by microbes, TNF and IL-1
d) Chemokines bind to the heparan sulfate on the endothelial tissue that enables recruitment and trapping of cells into infection sites

7) Interleukin 12 is a key inducer of the cell-mediated immunity in response to infection by intracellular pathogens. 
Interleukin activate cell-mediated immune response by increasing the synthesis of which of the following cytokines?
a) TNF
b) Interferon-beta
c) Interferon-gamma
d) Interleukin 1

8) Interferon type I mediate the early innate immune response to viral.
Which of the following viral antigens activates the production of Type I interferon?
a) Capsid protein
b) Double-stranded RNA
c) Double-stranded DNA
d) None of the above

9) Which of the following cytokine antagonizes the function of IL-12 and the absence of specific cytokine in mice develop inflammatory bowel disease?
a) IL-1
b) IL-2
c) IL-10
d) IFN-gamma

10) Which of the following cytokine is used for the treatment of the chronic granulomatous disease?
a) INF-alpha
b) INF-beta
c) INF-gamma
d) TNF

11) Which of the following cytokine is used for the treatment of viral hepatitis and multiple sclerosis?
a) INF-alpha
b) INF-beta
c) INF-gamma
d) TNF

12) Which of the following interleukin is responsible for T cell expansion after antigen recognition?
a) IL-1
b) IL-2
c) IL-4
d) IL-5

13) Which of the following interleukin stimulate differentiation of Th2 subset and production of IgE?
a) IL-1
b) IL-2
c) IL-4
d) IL-5

14) Which of the following interleukin activates eosinophil that consists of FcR for IgE?
a) a) IL-1
b) IL-2
c) IL-4
d) IL-5

15) Which of the following cytokines stimulate the production of IgA that is required for mucosal immunity?
a) Interferon-gamma
b) Tumor Necrosis Factor
c) Transforming growth factor-beta
d) All of the above

16) Cytokines recognize and engage with their receptors for biological action. 
Which of the following is the correct sequence of high-affinity to low-affinity interactions?
a) Antibody> MHC > Cytokine
b) MHC> Antibody > Cytokine
c) Cytokine > Antibody > MHC
d) None of the above

Multiple Choice Question Answers:
1)- d) Cell-autonomous
2)- d) All of the above
3)- a) Chemokines receptor
4)- d) TNF level is lower in septic shock
5)- d) All of the above
6)- c) Chemokines are suppressed by microbes, TNF and IL-1
7)- c) Interferon-gamma
8)- b) Double-stranded RNA
9)- c) IL-10
10)- c) INF-gamma
11)- b) INF- beta
12)- b) IL-2
13)- c) IL-4
14)- d) IL-5
15)- c) Transforming growth factor-beta
16)- c) Cytokine > Antibody > MHC


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    1. There are answers, please see below (after the 16th question) thank you


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