MCQs on Hepatitis virus, infection and transmission. Hepatitis prevention and hepatitis vaccine (Medical Microbiology)

Multiple Choice Questions on Hepatitis (A, B, and C) virus, types, infection, and transmission

1) Which of the following organ is primarily infected by Hepatitis viruses?
a) Intestines
b) Gall bladder
c) Stomach
d) Liver

2) A 32-year-old male patient visits the clinic with complaints of abdominal discomfort, vomiting, and noticeable yellow discoloration in his eyes. 
Upon examination, enlarged liver (hepatomegaly) detected on palpation, vital signs are normal. Elevated liver enzymes (ALT and AST) and elevated bilirubin levels detected after the laboratory diagnostic tests. Abdominal ultrasound reveals an enlarged liver with signs of inflammation. Acute hepatitis B infection is diagnosed.
How long after the initial infection do these antibodies typically appear in the bloodstream?
a) 24 hours
b) 3 to 4 days
c) 1 to 2 weeks
d) 12 hours

3) Which of the following virus is NOT transmitted through the parenteral route?
a) Hepatitis A
b) Hepatitis B
c) Hepatitis C
d) Hepatitis D

4) Hepatitis A virus (HAV) belongs to which of the following family of viruses?
a) Hepadnaviridae
b) Hepeviridae
c) Picornaviridae
d) Flaviviridae

5) All of the following are the important structural characteristics of the Hepatitis B virus (HBV) EXCEPT?
a) The size of the virus is 42 nm in diameter
b) The envelope consists of surface antigen (HBsAg) and lipid
c) The mode of transmission is parenteral
d) Consists of the single-stranded RNA genome

6) All of the following statements regarding HBV infection are true, EXCEPT?
a) Acute liver infection is subclinical in about 70 percent
b) Chronic hepatitis B can lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer
c) Infants born to infected mothers can have this virus
d) Medications are not available for the treatment of the chronic hepatitis B infection

7) What is the primary risk factor for Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in the United States of America?
a) Sexual activity
b) Overuse of drugs
c) Blood transfusion
d) Skin piercing and tattoos

8) Hepatitis D virus is also known as the delta virus requires HBV to cause infection in people

9) Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection is more commonly found in developing countries and is transmitted mostly through contaminated water, all of the following are the signs and symptoms of HEV, EXCEPT?
a) Blood in the stool
b) Nausea and vomiting
c) Yellowing of the skin
d) Low-grade fever

10) Which of the following hepatitis virus is commonly transmitted through blood from the infected mothers to the newborns? 
Select the correct answers
a) Hep A virus
b) Hep B virus
c) Hep C virus
d) Hep E virus

11) Name the hepatitis virus that can develop infection into the host cell only when the hepatitis B virus is present?
a) Hep A virus
b) Hep C virus
c) Hep D virus
d) Hep E virus

12) All of the following are the type of RNA viruses, EXCEPT?
a) Hepatitis A
b) Hepatitis C
c) Hepatitis D
d) Hepatitis B

13) All of the following statements are true for the diagnosis of HBV infection, EXCEPT?
a) Liver enzymes detection test should be performed
b) Serological tests to detect the antigen
c) Liver function test- bilirubin
d) Glucose challenge test       

14) Which of the following statements about the Hepatitis D virus is NOT correct?
a) RNA virus
b) Transmitted by parenteral route
c) Can replicate only when in a cell that is also infected by HBV
d) It primarily infects the intestinal cells

15) As per the latest survey conducted by the World Health Organization, what percentage of the global population is estimated to be living with a Hepatitis infection?
a) >5 %
b) 25 %
c) 50 %
d) 75 %

16) What are the common risk factors that can cause hepatitis infection? 
Select all the correct answers
a) Abuse of drugs
b) High alcohol consumption
c) Fatty liver
d) Autoimmune infection

17) Which of the following statements is NOT correct about the vaccination of HAV, HBV, and HCV?
a) Hepatitis A vaccination should be started from one year of age
b) Only newborns from infected mothers are required to get the HBV vaccine
c) There is no vaccine available for HCV
d) All of the above

18) Acute viral hepatitis can occur due to which of the following enzyme imbalance in the blood that appears after the inflammation of the liver cells?
a)Decreased level of alanine aminotransferase 
b)Decreased level of aspartate aminotransferase
c)Decreased level of both alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase
d)Increased level of  alanine aminotransferase

19) All of the following statements about the HEV are true, EXCEPT?
a) Transmitted by the fecal-oral route
b) It is a non-enveloped RNA virus
c) It is the major cause of hepatitis liver cancer
d) Found in rodents and pigs

20) Hepatitis C infection in the USA is increasing among young adults in the USA, data studies have shown a 100% increase since 2005, particularly seen among young adults. 
Which of the following is the most common cause of  Hep C infection?
a) Use of illegal intravenous drugs
b) Unsafe sex
c) Baby born to an infectious mother
d) Person who is infected with HIV

21) The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2020 was conferred upon three scientists for their groundbreaking discovery related to which of the following hepatitis virus?
a) HBV
b) HCV
c) HAV
d) HEV

22) Which of the following virus may spread mainly due to a lack of good hygienic practice and consumption of contaminated water?
a) Hepatitis B and D
b) Human papillomavirus
c) Hepatitis A and E
d) Zika virus

23) The common symptoms of hepatitis A infections usually seen in newborns and young children are fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and jaundice that may persist for weeks to a month. 
Jaundice is the condition of yellowing of the skin due to............................................................?
a) Low levels of bilirubin in a body
b) Low levels of hyaluronic acid in a body
c) Accumulation of hyaluronic acid in a body
d) Accumulation of bilirubin in a body
24) All of the following statements are correct about autoimmune hepatitis infection, Except?
a) Treatment is not available for the infection
b) Women are more affected than men
c) Chronic and persistent hepatitis may occur 
d) People with celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis are at higher risk

25) Health centers recommend that babies born to infected mothers with Hep B virus should be vaccinated. 
According to the WHO (world health organization), the first dose of the Hepatitis B vaccine is most effective for newborns within how many days after the birth?
a) Within a week after the birth
b) 15 days after the birth
c) 72 hours of birth
d) Within 24 hours after the birth 

1- d) Liver
2- c)1 to 2 weeks. HAV is typically transmitted through contaminated food or water or by close person-to-person contact. It causes acute hepatitis, which means it usually resolves on its own, and there is a vaccine available for prevention.

3- a) Hepatitis A. HAV is typically transmitted through contaminated food or water or by close person-to-person contact.

4- c) Picornaviridae
5- d) Consists of the single-stranded RNA genome
6- d) Medications are not available for the treatment of the chronic hepatitis B infection

7- c) Blood transfusion. HCV is primarily transmitted through contact with infected blood, often through sharing needles, transfusions of infected blood, or, less commonly, sexual contact. It can lead to chronic hepatitis and liver damage.

8- a) TRUE. HDV is a unique virus that can only infect people who are already infected with HBV. It can lead to more severe liver disease than HBV alone.

9- a) Blood in the stool
10- b) Hep B virus, and c) Hep C virus. HBV can be transmitted through contact with infected blood, sexual contact, or from mother to child during childbirth. It can cause both acute and chronic hepatitis, and there is a vaccine to prevent it.
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV): HCV is primarily transmitted through contact with infected blood, often through sharing needles, transfusions of infected blood, or, less commonly, sexual contact. It can lead to chronic hepatitis and liver damage.

11- c) Hep D virus. HDV is a unique virus that can only infect people who are already infected with HBV. It can lead to more severe liver disease than HBV alone.

12- b) Hepatitis B
13- d) Glucose challenge test           
14- d)It primarily infects the intestinal cells 
15- a) >5 %
16- All options above
17- b) Newborns from infected mothers are only required to get the HBV vaccine
18- d)Increased level of  alanine aminotransferase
19- c) The major cause of hepatitis liver cancer
20- a) Injecting drug use

21- b) Hepatitis C virus (HCV). The discovery and characterization of HCV that have allowed the development of curative therapy for HCV.

22- c) Hep A and E
23- d)Accumulation of bilirubin in a body
24- a)Treatment is not available for the infection
25- d)Within 24 hours of  birth 
